Muscle Building
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Build Muscle Mass and Increase Definition, With Industry-Leading Muscle Building Treatments

If you’ve been working hard to grow your muscles but simply aren’t getting the results you want, a revolutionary muscle building treatment can help you increase muscle mass and improve contouring – quickly, safely and without additional exercise.

Emsculpt is an advanced, non-invasive procedure that uses high-intensity electromagnetic energy to contract muscles, resulting in the development of toned, lean muscles, as well as burning off excess fat.

Incredibly, just one session of Emsculpt is the equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups or squats! Our highly trained medical practitioners are here to help you achieve the beautifully contoured body of your dreams, without spending hours in the gym.

Your Muscle building treatment at a glance:

  • Overview: A non-invasive treatment that uses electromagnetic energy to create supramaximal muscle contractions, increasing muscle mass and improving contouring.
  • Treatment time: 30 mins
  • Downtime: None
  • Results: Noticeable improvement after a few sessions

Imagine if you could develop increased muscle mass, a more toned physique and improved definition, all without excessive training. With the revolutionary technology of Emsculpt, it’s now possible to achieve exactly that, under the expert care of our experienced clinicians.

Using high-intensity electromagnetic energy, this advanced treatment creates intensive muscular contractions that are the equivalent of thousands of exercise repetitions. As a result, muscle mass is increased quickly and safely, improving overall definition and contouring.

Get the sleek, toned and defined appearance you’ve been dreaming of, with this non-invasive treatment that involves zero downtime, no pain, and takes as little as 30 minutes per session.

Here’s what to expect when you visit one of our luxurious clinics for your Emsculpt muscle building treatment:

  1. We’ll begin with an initial consultation to discuss your needs, concerns and desired results, so we can develop a personalised treatment plan for you.
  2. During your Emsculpt session, a special paddle will be applied to the treatment area. You’ll feel a vibrating sensation as your muscles start to contract, but won’t experience any pain or discomfort. Your session will last approximately 30 minutes.
  3. And that’s it! You can resume your normal daily activities immediately after your session.

Emsculpt is the proven way to increase muscle mass, improve definition, and achieve a toned, contoured body, without needing to spend half your life pushing yourself in the gym.

Emsculpt is particularly beneficial for improving muscle mass in notorious problem areas, including:

  • Stomach (abdomen)
  • Buttocks
  • Arms
  • Thighs
Good to Know
Emsculpt muscle building treatment involves no downtime and each session only takes around 30 minutes. Why not visit one of our state-of-the-art Sydney clinics and start your journey towards building the body of your dreams?

Emsculpt Muscle Building Treatment: Frequently Asked Questions

Emsculpt uses high-intensity electromagnetic energy to stimulate supramaximal muscle contractions. Each session is the equivalent of around 20,000 squats or sit-ups, making it an incredibly effective way to build muscle fast.

There’s no downtime, which means you can return to work and your normal daily activities immediately after your session. However, your muscles may feel slightly stiff for a few days afterwards, which is a sign the treatment has worked.

No, Emsculpt is designed to increase muscle mass and is not a weight loss solution, so you do need to be close to or at your goal weight.

Emsculpt is an ideal treatment for those looking to achieve more definition and a greater amount of muscle mass without additional exercise. It can also help eliminate stubborn areas of body fat in the targeted areas.

As every patient is different, we’ll tailor a treatment plan to suit your needs. In general, we recommend two sessions per week over the course of a few weeks in order to achieve optimal results.

You won’t feel any pain or discomfort during your Emsculpt procedure. When the paddle has been applied, you’ll experience a vibrating sensation as the muscles contract, but this isn’t uncomfortable.

Our highly personalised level of service means that we’ll tailor a treatment plan to suit your specific needs and desired results. As a result, treatment pricing will vary from patient to patient.

During your initial consultation, one of our trained doctors will conduct an assessment of your skin, discuss your situation, and develop a customised plan for your treatment. This will include a detailed breakdown of costs, timeframes and what to expect.